Source code for declarative_parser.constructor_parser

import inspect
import re
from collections import defaultdict

from .parser import Parser, Argument

class DocstringAnalyzer:

    def __init__(self, argument_definition, argument_sections, inline=False, indent_sensitive=False, skip=None):
        """Create a docstring analyzer.

            argument_definition: regex string matching a single argument
            argument_sections: list or argument section initial strings
            inline: will the argument definition catch value too?
            indent_sensitive: are argument values finished with dedent?
            skip: compiled regex used to skip false positive value matches
        self.argument_definition = re.compile(argument_definition)
        self.argument_sections = argument_sections
        self.indent_sensitive = indent_sensitive
        self.inline_value = inline
        self.skip = skip

    def measure_indent(line):
        """Measure indent defined as number of initial whitespace characters"""
        indent = 0
        for c in line:
            if c.isspace():
                indent += 1
        return indent

    def analyze(self, docstring: str):
        """Analyze docstring and collect arguments with descriptions.

        All arguments have to start with a lowercase letter, be followed
        with a colon (:) and then with the description of the argument.
        help_strings = defaultdict(list)
        collect_help = False
        empty_lines = 0
        base_indent = None
        argument = None

        for raw_line in docstring.split('\n'):
            line = raw_line.strip()

            if not line:
                empty_lines += 1
                collect_help = False
                empty_lines = 0

            if any(line.startswith(section) for section in self.argument_sections):
                collect_help = True
                base_indent = self.measure_indent(raw_line)

            if collect_help:

                match = self.argument_definition.match(line)

                if self.indent_sensitive:
                    indent = self.measure_indent(raw_line)
                    if indent != base_indent:
                        match = False

                if match:
                    argument ='name')

                    if self.inline_value:
                        value ='value').lstrip()
                        if value:

                elif argument and (not self.skip or not self.skip.match(line)):

        for key, value in help_strings.items():
            help_strings[key] = ' '.join(value)

        return help_strings

google_docstring_analyzer = DocstringAnalyzer(
    argument_sections=['Arguments:', 'Args:'],

numpy_docstring_analyzer = DocstringAnalyzer(

rst_docstring_analyzer = DocstringAnalyzer(
    argument_definition=r':param (?P<name>.+?):(?P<value>.*)',
    argument_sections=[':param '],

docstring_analyzers = {
    'numpy': numpy_docstring_analyzer.analyze,
    'google': google_docstring_analyzer.analyze,
    'rst': rst_docstring_analyzer.analyze

def is_set(value):
    return not (value == inspect._empty)

def empty_to_none(value):
    if not is_set(value):
        return None
    return value

[docs]class ConstructorParser(Parser): """Create a parser from an existing class, using arguments from __init__ as well as arguments and sub-parsers defined as class properties. Example usage:: import argparse class MyProgram: database = Argument( type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='Path to file with the database' ) def __init__(self, threshold:float=0.05, database=None): # do some magic pass parser = ConstructorParser(MyProgram) options, remaining_unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args(unknown_args) program = parser.constructor(**vars(options)) """ @property def help(self): if hasattr(self.constructor, 'help'): return if self.constructor.__doc__: return self.constructor.__doc__ return super().help @property def description(self): return @staticmethod def get_doc(constructor): return constructor.__init__.__doc__ def __init__(self, constructor, docstring_type='google', **kwargs): """Initializes parser analyzing provided class constructor. Arguments: constructor: a class to use for parser auto-generation docstring_type: docstring convention used in `__init__` method of provided class; one of: google, numpy, rst kwargs: custom keyword arguments to be passed to Parser """ self.constructor = constructor restricted_names = ['name'] # add arguments defined in the class of constructor for name, attribute in vars(constructor).items(): if isinstance(attribute, Parser) or isinstance(attribute, Argument): setattr(self, name, attribute) # introspect method.__init__ signature = inspect.signature(constructor) docstring = self.get_doc(constructor) or '' analyze_docstring = docstring_analyzers[docstring_type] docstring_help = analyze_docstring(docstring) for name, parameter in signature.parameters.items(): # ignore *args and **kwargs if parameter.kind in [parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL]: continue if name in restricted_names: raise ValueError(f'"{name}" cannot be used as a name of argument') if not hasattr(self, name): argument = Argument( default=empty_to_none(parameter.default), type=empty_to_none(parameter.annotation), optional=is_set(parameter.default), help=docstring_help.get(name, None) ) setattr(self, name, argument) else: argument = getattr(self, name) if not hasattr(argument, 'help') or not = docstring_help.get(name, None) super().__init__(**kwargs)
# ClassParser is just an alias for ConstructorParser ClassParser = ConstructorParser
[docs]class FunctionParser(ConstructorParser): """Create a parser from an existing function as well as arguments and sub-parsers defined in function object. Example usage:: def calc_exponent(base: float, exponent: int=2): return base ** exponent parser = FunctionParser(calc_exponent) commands = '2 --exponent 3'.split() options = parser.parse_args(commands) result = parser.constructor(**vars(options)) assert result == 2 * 2 * 2 Advanced usage:: def calc_exponent(base: float, exponent: int=2): return base ** exponent # you can override definitions deduced from signature and # docstring: just assign custom Argument on the function: calc_exponent.exponent = Argument(short='n', type=int, default=2) parser = FunctionParser(calc_exponent) commands = '2 -n 3'.split() options = parser.parse_args(commands) result = parser.constructor(**vars(options)) assert result == 2 * 2 * 2 """ @staticmethod def get_doc(constructor): return constructor.__doc__ def __init__(self, constructor, **kwargs): """Initializes parser analyzing provided function. Arguments: constructor: a function to use for parser auto-generation docstring_type: docstring convention used in provided function one of: google, numpy, rst kwargs: custom keyword arguments to be passed to Parser """ super().__init__(constructor, **kwargs)